PRINCE2 Training

Change Management

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Change Management

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Change Management

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Change Management

There are numerous approaches to change management, different views, techniques and models relating to:

  • Different types of change
  • How to approach change at the individual level
  • How to approach change at an organizational level

Approaching a change situation will be influenced by:

  • Different levels of emotional and financial investment from the organization in managing change
  • Scale and nature of change
  • Various required outcomes
  • How fast we can move
  • History of change

The case for change management

A 2004 survey by Price Waterhouse Coopers concluded:

…The majority of the best performing and most mature organisations always or frequently apply change management to their projects.”

As the rate of change in business continues to accelerate, the ability to change quickly and effectively with committed and capable people is the new strategic advantage. An organisation which is ready for change is able to adapt to external factors and continuously improve.

A change management methodology

Today we commonly hear leaders mentioning the need for organisational change management capability and references to a Change Management Strategy. With other terms like change agents, project and programme management, change plan, strategic change plan, change team and transformational change office also being mentioned. What does this all mean? Are these the elements people need as part of their change management methodology?

Change management as a profession today is probably where we were with project management as a profession a decade ago. That is inconsistent views and opinions on how to approach change and an absence of structured approaches. This has lead practitioners to seek, understand and a desire to adopt a common ‘change management methodology’, which is a challenge in itself.

Change starts with strategy

It sounds obvious, though the importance of strategy is often a forgotten element when embarking on change. The key purpose of the strategy is to guide the organisation’s direction to achieve its vision and goals.

So if Vision and Strategy are the first steps of a change methodology, what are the other elements?

Our Change Management training and certification program introduce proven and recognised models and approaches for planning and implementing change.”

Learn from our accredited trainers and advisers on how the following elements support change and how they can form part of a change management method.

  • Programmes and projects as delivery mechanisms for change
  • The importance of leaders, middle managers, change managers and change agents
  • Change delivery plans supporting project and programme delivery
  • Approaches for defining what needs to change
  • The function of a support office, which can go by many different names such as, but not limited to Transformation, Change Portfolio, Programme or Project Management Office
  • Change readiness assessments
  • Change at the individual level: individual responses, dealing with resistance and engaging for change
  • Mechanisms for tracking delivery, embedding change and outcome achievement.

A change method will have different aspects for different types of change, as there is unlikely to be a ‘one size fits all’ situation. As mentioned previously, scale, timing, organisational capability and readiness to deliver and absorb change are some factors that will influence a change manager’s approach to a change situation.

How can you learn more?

Contact us to find out more about the management of change.

Our approach is accredited and aligned to the Change Management Institute’s CMBoK – Change Management Body of Knowledge.”

The CMBOK is the first international guide attempting to provide common knowledge areas to operate effectively as a change manager across a range of situations.

Our service includes advisory and training programs. The training programs include:

3 day Change Management Foundation
1.5 day Change Management Practitioner
2 day Change Management Fundamentals
1 day Change Management Overview

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